Interesting features of Power Automate Custom Connectors

Interesting features of Power Automate Custom Connectors

During the process of migrating Cloud Flows from Dynamics to Salesforce I ran into an issue with data transformation that caused me to look at as many approaches possible. One was transforming 15 & 18 digit SF UIDs to GUIDs. The other was how to do this with minimal modifications to an already existing api endpoint if possible. After a few discussions around having a Flow do heavy lifting and not wanting to work with Functions, I came to spend some time looking at taking advantage of a unique feature of Connectors. I had never been in a position to look into creating a Connector. To me they’re just something you use to retrieve data in a way that allows someone with minimal experience to apply filters and so on. It turns out that you can also just run C# code. I did not spot a lot of articles or information about this, and the few that did it seems to be a rare use. If for some reason you need to do a bit of heavy lifting and want to keep your work inside of Power Automate and your code is less than 1MB and runs in less than 5 seconds, then this is for you. If you would like to check out Microsoft’s documentation, you can follow the link here. I am still going to cover the steps here in a future update.